Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Peaceful Warrior

I don't own a microwave oven. I have no TV. I don't know how to operate a dishwasher. Or more accurately, I was never interested in learning how to use it. And the list goes on... friends are aware I do things my way, and it is usually the "old fashioned way".

Don't get me wrong, I am a "techie guy": i can order parts, build a computer and set it up. I can figure techie things that must people don't even think about. If the car is broken or needing maintenance, I can do it. And the list also goes on.

But one thing I have always "heard" about it and never really figured it out, was the damn "blogging"! It actually took a while to understand how it works, and the irony is there is nothing to work! I guess this is the beauty of it.

I am officially creating my digital persona. My digital steps. This blog will be used as a communication tool for friends and family, so they can "participate" (virtually, I guess) in my enterprise across the USA.

As they say, happiness is not getting to the final target, the final goal, but rather the experiences and choices you make in order to get there. So let it be. My goal is to enjoy the process, the path. Feel and acknowledge every feeling involved in the moment.

1 comment:

  1. awe, look at you little bernardo drinking beer already! i remember seeing this picture! this explains so much! :)
